Kakuzu Akatsuki
Kakuzu was Hidan s partner and the second oldest member of the Akatsuki and when the former Waterfall shinobi left his village he stole a scroll that allowed him to steal the hearts of other ninjas-which allowed him to extend his own life while using all five elements. Kisame laughingly referred to Hidan and Kakuzu as the Zombie Combo due to the fact that in a sense they could not die. Kakuzu was a member of Akatsuki and the partner of Hidan.

Akatsuki literally meaning Dawn or Daybreak was a group of shinobi that existed outside the usual system of hidden villages.
Akatsuki Kakuzu Kakuzu dulunya adalah shinobi Tingkat-S dan Ninja Pelarian dari Takigakure serta anggota Akatsuki yang berpasangan dengan Hidan. Despite their mutual dislike of each other their teamwork was almost flawless because they complemented each other s abilities extremely well. Akhirnya Akatsuki akan mulai menangkap monster berekor dalam proses pertentangan dengan mantan klien. RELATED Naruto 10 Characters That Are 10-Tails Level Kakuzu joined the Akatsuki in hopes to expand his fortune and he s known to be one of the greediest people in the Shinobi World. He steals hearts from his victims in order to remain alive and achieve a near-immortal lifespan. Kakuzu was a tall muscular man second in height in Akatsuki after Kisame Hoshigaki . Ketika berada di bawah perbudakan dari Kakuzu memiliki sejumlah rekan yang malah dia bunuh karena
Underneath his mouth was stitched together at the edges and his hair was long and untidy. Cerita yang berkaitan dengan Akatsuki sebelum dimulainya Bagian II hanya diberikan dalam fragmentasi. Kakuzu in Japanese Kakuzu is a rogue ninja from the Village Hidden in the Waterfall who became a member of the Akatsuki serving as their treasurer and an antagonist in the manga anime series Naruto. Kisame Hoshigaki jokingly referred to them as the Zombie Combo Zonbi Konbi English TV Zombie Pair 3 due to the fact that in differing senses they could not die. He wore a white hood and a black mask on his face with his eyes being the only visible part. Kisame Hoshigaki se refiere a Hidan y Kakuzu como el Combo Zombie Zonbi Konbi Kisame Hoshigaki sering mengejek mereka berdua dengan julukan Kombo Zombi Zonbi Konbi 2 karena mereka tidak bisa mati. Llevaba el anillo Norte Hoku en el dedo medio izquierdo. Kakuzu Kakuzu was an S-rank missing-nin from Takigakure and a member of Akatsuki who was partnered with Hidan.
Su compa ero fue Hidan. Sasori dan Orochimaru adalah rekan beberapa waktu dan tampaknya sangat efektif. A pesar de la mutua antipat a entre ambos su trabajo en equipo fue casi perfecto porque se complementaban mutuamente. Dalam Organisasi itu sendiri Kakuzu berperan sebagai bendahara. He is known to have actually taken out multiple Jinchuriki including Fuu and Yugito and he has slain entire villages alone without any help from Hidan. Kakuzu Kakuzu fue un ninja renegado de Takigakure y miembro de Akatsuki. Over the course of several decades Akatsuki took different forms and was led by different individuals.

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