Akatsuki Orbiter
The Venus Climate Orbiter mission or Akatsuki is studying the atmospheric circulation of Venus. Akatsuki Dawn also known as the Venus Climate Orbiter VCO and Planet-C is a Japanese JAXA space probe tasked to study the atmosphere of Venus. AKATSUKI PLANET-C is the next planetary exploration project for the Martian orbiter NOZOMI.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA performs various activities related to aerospace as an organization from basic research in the aerospace field to development and utilization.
Akatsuki State-of-the-art optical instruments will enable us to explore the deep atmosphere and the ground surface below the thick cloud layer. Get information on the Venus Climate Orbiter AKATSUKI PLANET-C . Meteorological information will be obtained by globally mapping clouds and minor constituents successively with four cameras at ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths detecting lightning with a high-speed imager and observing the vertical structure of the atmosphere with radio science techniques. Akatsuki is a Japanese word meaning dawn and the spacecraft is also called the Venus Climate Orbiter. Akatsuki Fajar juga disebut sebagai Venus Climate Orbiter VCO dan Planet-C adalah pesawat misi ruang angkasa Jepang yang ditugaskan untuk mempelajari atmosfer Venus.Pesawat tersebut diluncurkan bersama dengan roket H-IIA 202 pada 20 Mei 2010 dan gagal untuk memasuki orbit Venus pada 6 Desember 2010. The Venus Climate Orbiter AKATSUKI aims to unravel the mysteries of Venus with an emphasis on atmospheric dynamics. It was launched aboard an H-IIA 202 rocket on 20 May 2010 and failed to enter orbit around Venus on 6 December 2010.
Akatsuki Planet-C project is Japan s third planetary explorer succeeding Suisei Planet-A which observed Halley s comet and Nozomi Planet-B which could not complete its mission to explore Mars. Venus has long been referred to as Earth s sister planet not only because its size and distance from the sun are similar to those of the Earth but also because its birth formation is considered to be similar to that of the Earth at the genesis period of the solar system. Current Venus Climate Orbiter Akatsuki. Meteorological information is be obtained by globally mapping clouds and minor constituents The results achieved from The Venus Climate Orbiter mission PLANET-C or AKATSUKI is studying the atmospheric circulation of Venus. Setelah pesawat ini mengitari matahari selama lima tahun para
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